ThermAll Heating, Cooling & Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Yakima’

Yes, Your Heat Pump Needs Fall Maintenance

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Fall is approaching, and that’s when people’s minds turn to thoughts of heating maintenance.

Okay, we’re being a touch optimistic. We wish more people would think of heating maintenance at the start of fall, because that’s the best time to schedule it. It is also one of the most important home maintenance tasks you need done before winter arrives, or else you may end up with a non-working heater on one of the coldest days of the year.

But what if you have a heat pump? You had it maintenance for it back in spring, so you should be good, right?

Well, you’d be good if you only used your heat pump during the summer. But heat pumps are meant to work all around the year. The whole reason for having a heat pump is that you have cooling and heating combined into a single system. If you want your heat pump to serve you dutifully and efficiently during the coming winter, you’ll need to schedule fall heat pump service in Yakima, WA to maintain it.

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Don’t Make These Mistakes When Hiring an Electrician for Repairs

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

If you need to have electrical repairs done in your home, the first step is to look for a professional electrician. But hiring a professional electrician isn’t as simple as an online search where you pick the first name that pops up. You need to know how to navigate hiring an electrician so you don’t make several common mistakes that can lead to costly problems later or even safety risks. 

Below, we’ll go over the errors you want to avoid when you’re looking for professional electrical repairs in Yakima, WA.

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The Benefits of an Attic Fan Installation

Monday, June 19th, 2023

When you hear the term “attic fan,” you might immediately wonder what good it would do. You don’t spend much time in your attic, so why would you need a fan up there?

Attic fans, however, are extremely useful devices. Their purpose is to remove excess heat and moisture in the attic. During the summer, the radiant heat from the sun on a roof can superheat the attic to a sizzling 130°F. True, you won’t go up there, but that heat affects your home in other ways.

We offer attic fan installation in Yakima, WA, and we’d like to explain all the ways you can benefit from getting an attic fan.

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The Best Way to Avoid AC Repair: AC Maintenance!

Monday, June 5th, 2023

It’s already June, the first month of summer (although technically summer doesn’t start until the third week of June), and it’s time to get ready for the coming heat. 

“I’m ready,” you might think. “I’ve got a trusty air conditioning system to handle the sweltering months.”

But what if your air conditioning system isn’t as trusty as you think it is? That AC did a lot of work last year through the summer, and now it needs to do all that work again. What happens if your air conditioning system breaks down on one of the hottest days of the year? You’ll have to call us for repairs, and although we’re happy to help, we know you’d much rather not have to go through the inconvenience or the discomfort of waiting in a boiling house for help.

The best approach to air conditioning repair in Yakima, WA is to avoid it altogether. There’s one simple step you can take that will make repairs a rarity and ensure your air conditioner functions at its best through the summer: professional preventive maintenance.

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Why We Recommend Whole-House Generator Installation

Monday, May 8th, 2023

Nobody wants to be at the mercy of a power outage in their home. Even a brief one that lasts only a few minutes is an annoyance because you have to go check on all your electrical appliances and reactivate them, as well as reset several clocks, the thermostat, and re-log into your Wi-Fi modem from several devices.

The real threat comes from extended power outages that can last for hours or even days. These can strike in extreme weather conditions or due to massive strain on the electrical grid. A household depends on electrical power in numerous ways, and losing that power will mean a loss of heating and air conditioning, the refrigerator, ways to charge mobile devices, computer connections, Wi-Fi connections, and more. When it comes to the HVAC system and powered medical equipment, power outages can turn into genuine emergencies.

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Give Your Furnace a Grade for the End of the Season

Monday, April 10th, 2023

The weather is warming up, although we can expect to have a few more cold days come our way through the spring. It isn’t time to shut off your heater for mid-year.

Not yet. But it is the time to consider your heater’s future based on how well it performed over this last winter.

You never want to let a major furnace breakdown sneak up on you. It’s better to replace an ailing furnace before it has a chance to trap you in an unheated home.

To help you get a better understanding of how well your furnace is currently doing, we want you to try this thought experiment: give your furnace a grade (“A” through “F”) for how well it performed over the previous winter.

Below, we’ll examine what these grades may mean for your furnace’s future and what steps you might need to take, like furnace replacement or furnace repair in Yakima, WA.

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The Importance of Carbon Monoxide Testing for Your Furnace

Monday, March 13th, 2023

If you have a natural gas furnace providing your home with heat, you probably know that there is some potential for dangerous carbon monoxide gas exposure. This is something that’s true of any home appliance that combusts natural gas, not just gas furnaces. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a byproduct of the combustion process, a colorless, odorless, and toxic gas that creates health complications and can even cause death with extended exposure. 

Gas furnaces aren’t inherently unsafe—they would never be permitted in homes if they were—so you don’t need to panic about having a gas furnace in your house. But you must take several precautions to ensure the furnace runs safely and that you and your family have ample warning in case CO leaks into the home. One of these precautions is to have annual carbon monoxide testing.

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I See Smoke Coming From My Heat Pump! What’s Wrong?

Monday, February 13th, 2023

First, take a deep breath. Your heat pump is almost certainly not on fire. In fact, it’s probably working just the way it’s supposed to.

If this is the first winter you’ve used a heat pump to provide comfort to your home, then we’re not surprised that you might find this sight alarming. A heat pump works similarly to an air conditioner, and if you see smoke coming off your air conditioning system’s outdoor unit, that’s a big problem, likely some kind of electrical fire. This is extremely rare, but not impossible.

However, that “smoke” you see rising from your heat pump isn’t smoke at all, as we’ll explain.

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No, It’s Not Too Late for Heating Maintenance

Monday, January 16th, 2023

We like to say that there’s no expiration date for heating maintenance. This is a vital job for your home heating system, and it’s best to have it done before the winter weather begins. 

However, if you missed having your heater maintenance in Yakima, WA scheduled during the fall, that doesn’t mean you should just skip it entirely and wait until next fall to pick it up again. A great deal depends on annual maintenance, so even though it’s already mid-January, we strongly recommend calling us to get on the schedule. Trust us, it’s much worse to skip maintenance than to have it done late.

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What to Do If Your Heating System Stops Working

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Brrr! The cold winter weather has definitely arrived! This is when you’ll need to depend heavily on your home heating system to keep your family safe and warm. 

What happens if your heating system suddenly stops working? This can be a scary event—understandably scary—but we’re here to help you. We have great technicians who’ll quickly solve your home heating troubles and see that your house is warm once again.

However, before you call us for heating repair in Yakima, WA, there are some steps you can take that might restore your comfort. We don’t recommend you ever attempt to repair your heater on your own, but you can go through some troubleshooting steps.

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